I had been wanting to work with real bones for a while, but caresses gross me out. Luckily, I won two deer skulls from a local online auction! I held onto them for a while waiting for the perfect circular mounts. It took a few months, but eventually I found two matching paintings in nice round frames through the same auction business. I was so excited to make these that I didn't document as much as I should have for content purposes, but enjoy what I do have!

First things first, I removed the painting from the frame, dusted, and cleaned everything up. Then I painted the picture part black and sanded the frame, leaving just a little color to make it look weathered.

With the frame removed, I used hot glue to mount the skull onto the board before adding any other elements. Since this is meant to hang on the wall, I wanted to make sure the skull was stuck on as best as possible.
I used Elmer's glue to add the moss under where the flowers would be added next with hot glue. I removed the flowers from the stems and arranged them around one eye socket.
I don't have pics for this part, but I used quick set resin to make orange crystals, mixing a tiny bit of gold mica in as well. I hot glued these directly to the board before finishing the remaining empty spaces with moss and a few tiny flower pieces scattered about.

I also made a purple, grey, and black one, but didn't document my progress as much.
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